The Four R’s

Everyone knows that chemicals that make us feel good serotonin and dopamine are the brain’s primary controllers of mood and emotion. Many people are surprised to learn that they are mostly made in the digestive tract. This process is referred to by scientists as the gut-brain axis.


If you think about proper nutrition and wellness as an integral part of your life, the first thing you need to do is to take care of your intestines. The role of the intestines in our body cannot be underestimated. But we’ll look at the four main reasons why it’s so important to keep an eye on this interesting and powerful organ.


Everyone knows that chemicals that make us feel good – serotonin and dopamine – are the brain’s primary controllers of mood and emotion. Many people are surprised to learn that they are mostly made in the digestive tract. This process is referred to by scientists as the gut-brain axis.

Experts already know that the gut’s neurotransmitters communicate with the brain through nerve endings, and that the brain’s functions are necessary for the gut to function. This is why stress can result from unhealthy eating habits, and why the brain frequently reacts with anxious and worried feelings when there is inflammation or an infection in the gut.


About 70% of our immune system is located precisely in the gut.The intestine stimulates the production of T-cells, which, among other things, are responsible for recognizing and destroying cells that carry foreign antigens and disrupting immunity. In other words, once the number of “bad” bacteria in the gut increases, disturbances can occur in the body’s immune system4.
The gut works like a checkpoint post, preventing food antigens from entering the body. A disruption in this process caused by poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, or antibiotics is called increased intestinal permeability syndrome (or “leaky gut” syndrome). Symptoms of this condition may include: increased fatigue, feeling tired, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, headaches, chronic inflammatory conditions, and so on.


If you have ever consulted a skin specialist, you probably know that often, any kind of inflammation is a consequence, while the cause lies, literally, deep inside – in our intestines.

In constipation, some metabolic products that should have been eliminated from the body, can linger in the intestines and in certain quantities penetrate into the blood. The body tries to get rid of them through the excretory system, the most accessible of which is the skin. And signals of intestinal problems can manifest themselves not only in the form of skin rashes, dryness and enlarged pores, but also much more serious consequences such as eczema.

As for acne, the excessive use of sugar and refined foods, which are also harmful to the intestines and can cause bloating and flatulence, plays a significant role. However, the body’s reaction to certain products is individual: for some people an extra dessert will not cause skin problems, while others claim that they got rid of acne only after giving up dairy products.

Body shape

Even very slim people can notice a disproportionately (relative to the figure as a whole) large belly if they have experienced problems with their intestines. Many in this case go on radical diets, while it is necessary to address health issues. It’s simple: the better the intestines work, the easier it is for them to digest food and eliminate food residues.

With constant constipation and flatulence, the feeling of “inflated” abdomen can become a habitual condition that is not noticed, and here just the external signs can make you pay attention to health. Refined sugar and simple carbs can contribute to intestinal problems. So think about minimizing their consumption.

Sport will come in handy: a mobile lifestyle and fitness, by the way, not only help to burn extra calories, but also stimulate healthy digestion and get rid of the so-called “lazy bowel syndrome”. These lifestyle changes are welcome as they are not harmful and can be quite effective. However, if the activities undertaken are ineffective, you should take a responsible approach to resolving bowel disorders and consult a specialist.

4 Steps to Healing Your Gut Naturally

I’ve created a little guide on how to naturally heal your gut. Download your free version HERE.
